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Appeal to the Insurance Court

Appeals are addressed to the Insurance Court

Parties dissatisfied with a decision of the Accident Appeal Board may appeal against the decision by making a written appeal to the Insurance Court within 30 days.

Appeals are sent to the insurance institution

The letter of appeal must be sent to the insurance institution whose decision was appealed against in the Accident Appeal Board. This gives the insurance institution the opportunity to amend its decision to comply with the appeal. 

The appeal may be delivered to the insurance institution in person or sent by courier, or sent by mail or email at the sender’s own risk. The address of the insurance institution is stated at the end of the Accident Appeal Board decision under “distribution”. 

Letter of appeal

Appeals must be made in writing. Required information for the letter of appeal:

  • indication that it is intended as an appeal to the Insurance Court
  • the decision appealed against
  • which parts of the decision are appealed against and what amendments are demanded
  • the grounds for the demands
  • name and contact information
  • a legal representative’s or agent’s contact information, if they exercise the right of action
  • the postal address or other address to which documents related to the proceedings can be sent.  

The decision of the Accident Appeal Board, including the instructions for appeal and referenced documents, must be attached, unless they have been previously sent to the insurance institution. Further clarification may be sent later.

The Insurance Court must be informed without delay of changes in the contact information while the appeal is pending. 

Appeal period

The appeal must arrive within thirty (30) days of the decision being received.

The decision is considered to have been received on the seventh (7th) day after it was mailed, unless the appeal can prove otherwise. 

Referral of the appeal to the Insurance Court

If the insurance institution makes no new decision to amend the appealed decision of the Accident Appeal Board to comply with the demands, the insurance institution submits the letter of appeal to the Insurance Court and informs the appellant of the fact.

Insurance Court contact information

Telephone +358 29 564 3200, fax +358 29 564 3100, and email vakuutusoikeus@oikeus.fi

Insurance Court fees for proceedings

As a rule, appeal proceedings at the Insurance Court are free of charge for private appellants. Appeals made by private persons are processed free of charge if the matter concerns the right to a benefit or the amount or recovery of a benefit. A fee is charged to private persons for matters not concerning a direct benefit of theirs. The Insurance Court’s court fee for private persons is EUR 270.

Insurance institutions, corporations, and employers other than private persons are charged a court fee of EUR 530 for appeals.

The court fee is charged regardless of an appeal’s cancellation.

The court fee is not charged if the Insurance Court amends the appealed decision in favour of the appellant.

For further information about the Insurance Court’s fees, see the Act on court fees (1455/2015) and www.vakuutusoikeus.fi
