Tapaturma-asioiden muutoksenhakulautakunta

Contact information


Email: tl(at)tapaturmalautakunta.fi
Replace (at) with @ when sending.

Please include in your message your contact details and the Accident Appeal Board record number.

All sensitive or otherwise confidential information are requested to be sent to Accident Appeal Board as an encrypted message. For example, health data, information about financial status, and information that includes personal identity codes is sensitive and confidential. Please note that the subject of encrypted emails is not encrypted and should therefore not include confidential information such as personal identity codes.

Secure emails to board: https://sr.edelkey.net/encrypt

The Accident Appeal Board does not send any links to online bank login pages or any other pages that request your online banking credentials or card details. Such messages are scam messages, and you should not open any links they contain. Please report any scam messages to the Accident Appeal Board by email.

Postal address

Accident Appeal Board
PO box 10
FI-00581 HELSINKI, Finland

Please include in your message your contact details and the Accident Appeal Board record number.

Telephone service

Phone: +358 9 228 5050

The Accident Appeal Board’s telephone service is available 9.00–12.00 on weekdays

The board does not process information by text messages.

Street address

Lautatarhankatu 6
00580 Helsinki, Finland

Further clarification for pending matters at the Accident Appeal Board may be delivered to the reception of Lindström Talo, located at Lautatarhankatu 6, open 8.00–16.00 on weekdays. Visitors are not afforded more extensive service than callers or persons sending documents by email. The Accident Appeal Board holds its proceedings and makes its decisions in Finnish and Swedish.

Updated 10.3.2025